The Road Less Traveled

I took the road less traveled by. And that has made all the difference. Robert Frost

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cami is getting bigger by the day.... She has turned into Spider girl and is pulling up on everything and wanting to walk so bad. She will be 1 in a few short weeks and still does not have teeth, I can see some little white spots so I know they are coming.

Friday we are taking Cami to a pumpkin patch to pick out her first pumpkins. I see some of you remember that last year my crazy neighbor lady stole a few of my pumpkins, well after talking to a few others in our neighborhood that lady is REALLY crazy not just because I said so. Apparently she is some sort of "mail order" bride from Russia..... I think that her husband should get his money back.

So with Halloween coming up soon, Griswald put up his decorations.... That's right orange lights all over the house. I'll have to post a picture.

And in some exciting adoption news congrats to all those who just got referrals, travel calls and bringing their babies home.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

We have been busy around here, last weekend my MIL had a princess party for Cami. It was actually more of a baby shower with the baby there. It was titled come meet the princess.

On the cake, you can see there are chocolate tiaras. And Cami sleeping on me is after the party, she was tired from all her hostess duties!!!

Cami turned 11 months old yesterday. We are truly amazed at how much she has changed in the 3.5 months we have been a family.

Cami is working so hard on walking, she talks up a storm, and is now 14.6 lbs.

We are so excited for all the up coming Holidays, for so long I dreaded them but, finally we have our daughter home and a true reason to celebrate. We are decorating for Fall/Halloween next weekend, I can hardly wait to go pick out pumpkins!!!

This weekend I started to pack up her summer clothes because the cold weather is fast approaching. I was sad to pack up her tiny little clothes, knowing that she is growing so fast and she will never be that small again.

We were laughing today saying we are not sure we could handle another girl.... Cami is a total drama queen and when she gets mad, look out all hell is going to break loose.... She will slam her fists down and scream at the top of her lungs and let you know that is NOT how she wants it.....

She hardly cries anymore but, she makes up for it by her screaming!!!! She can also throw a great full body tantrum arms and legs going, the whole bit!

I have to laugh because she looks so funny because she is so little. Actually, I love every minute I spend with her.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Help my daddy tried to get me ready for bed!!!! If you look closely you will see a foot coming out of the arm....

Cami shopping at Ikea.

Self feeding like a big girl!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I have been tagged by Julie over at "Love From Vietnam" we also happen to have the same middle name...

Here are the rules of this tag...

You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name.
If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
When you are tagged, you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts.
At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.
Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged & to read your blog!

A- Anh, Cami's middle name.

N- Next adoption??? Baby boy..... you never know!

N- No brothers or sisters, that's right people, I am an only child!!

I tag anyone who wants to be tagged.

In other stuff, Cami is crawling faster that greased lightning and pulling her self up on everything.

We made a trip to Ikea Sunday and loaded up the ol' family truckster with purchases. We were looking at big girl beds for our little peanut because hopefully she does not sleep with us forever.... We are leaning towards a bunk bed but, we have plenty of time to decide.

I have decided not to have a theme at her birthday party, I am just going to go with pretty fall stuff. I know I am probably ruining her life because it's not a character theme and I dress her in Baby Gap!!!! ;) She is not partial to any characters, as her favorite toy is a wooden kitchen spoon.

So that's the latest here.