The Road Less Traveled

I took the road less traveled by. And that has made all the difference. Robert Frost

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

We are going to be hosting an exchange student until Christmas time. So, here is my problem I want to get her some things so she feels at home but, I need any ideas or suggestions.

I know I am going to get her all new towels and such, maybe a bath caddy so she can keep all her stuff in it.

A little about her, she is 16 from Germany BUT!!!! She is actually Vietnamese and lived in Vietnam until she was 9. So I am super excited about learning more about Vienamese culture.

I am nervious..... Because now I will be taking care of a 16 year old girl!!!! aaahhhhh I will try hard not to be an over the top mama bear.




  • At 8:14 AM, Blogger Ange said…

    Wow! What a great experience. I am sure you will both learn a lot. Good Luck. keep us posted.

  • At 9:25 PM, Blogger Jenny said…

    I would say take her to target and point out a few things that she might need. that way she feels like she is making the choices but you are their helping and guiding her, maybe?

    good luck with that. That is a huge responsibility!

  • At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    how exciting! i cannot wait to hear about it!

  • At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How neat. I bet you'll have a great experience, and learn so much about Viet Nam and Germany!

    I had the opportunity to host a Vietnamese student this year, too..but declined. I want to wait another year. The place I found only did year-long placements...can you post what exchange student organization you used that does half-year placements? That would be more doable.

  • At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've got nothing as far as ideas, but I think this is sooo awesome! I hope to do the same thing one day.

  • At 12:54 PM, Blogger Mia's Mommy said…

    That is so cool. I would love to do that some day as we find more living space in our home...or just move! I have no ideas. You may just wait for her and take her shopping.


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