Okay, I have the time and energy for an update!
I'll start with the not so great stuff fist.....
We had to put our almost 13 year old Bulldog Shelby to sleep, I was and still am heart broken over it. She was a wonderful dog and loved Cami so much and Cami loved her. Shelby lived almost 5 years longer than what most Bulldogs do, however, in the last few months her kidney's had started to fail and she was having problems with going potty in the house. We had been putting off putting her down but, I finally mustered up the strength to do it a few weeks ago. We miss you Shelby Ann.
Then the day after we put Shelby down Cami got bitten by my MILs dog on the head, it left 1 small puncture wound and 2 welts. I did not see the bit at first because it was hidden by her hair. Now, this was an unprovoked bite, Cami was just walking by the dog and the dog lunged at her, I flew across the room and grabbed Cami. I stayed calm and just looked at Jon and said we are leaving now!! As soon as I got in the car I lost it, I have seen lots of people with dog bite scars and I would never want my daughter to go through that. I called my mom as soon as I saw the puncture wound (my mom was a ER nurse for a long time) she had me bring Cami over to her house and she cleaned everything up and gave me some stuff to clean it with. It was not a bad bite but, it was to close for us. Cami is no longer allowed to go to my MILs house. This of course has turned into that I am being mean and making to big of a deal of it according to my MIL..... Of coarse if anything remotely close to that is ever mentioned to me by anyone I will not hesitate to hand them their ass! We are sticking to our guns and if the MIL wants to see Cami she can come to our house.
And finally, we are getting the run around from the builders for our new home, we signed everything and gave our deposit almost 4 months ago and guess what..... They have not even started on our house yet! They had tried to get more money out of us saying that because we made so may upgrades that they need more money, I told them they would get more money when the house was done and they knew all the upgrades we were making before we put our deposit down. So, we are giving then another 2 weeks to get their act together or we are canceling the house. We love this house but, I am not getting dicked around and I know plenty of other builders would be happy to build us our dream home. So what will be will be!
Okay, onto good news Miss Cami is almost 30" tall and 18.4 lbs. So she is getting so big. She is long and skinny (she did not get that from me!!!) I have been looking for a fun class our play group for us to join but, since I happen to work and all these things are only offered during the weekday mornings so we are out of luck. However, I had a patient the other day whose sister is Cami's age and from China and the mom and I got to talking and she mentioned that she worked so she could not get L- in any groups so we decided to start getting our girls together and maybe start our own working moms with Asian kids group!!!
In some very exciting news Cami has started pooping on the potty!!!!! I found the best thing ever, it's a little toilet seat that fits on the regular toilet seat so mo cleaning up a potty chair!!! She is starting to let me know when she needs to go, she will point towards the bathroom and say poo. And then we cheer and give high fives after she goes.
Her latest favorite word is cool. Which cracks me up.
She has been doing a great job about going to bed, I will say night night time and she will give Jon and I each a hug and a kiss and then grab her blanket and say night night and we just lay her in her crib and that's the end of it. We co-slept with her for over 7 months so this is a huge deal to us, we used to have to hold her until she fell asleep every night before we could lay her down, so now we are on cloud nine.
We have started talking more about child #2 now that Cami is becoming such the big girl. We will not be starting anything until fall 2009 so we have plenty of time to see what is happening the the world of International adoption. After hubby and I talking we are currently leaning towards China (I know long waits) that is why we are leaning towards China because Cami would be almost 6 when we get #2 home and we like the idea of Cami being an only child for that long and forming a strong bond with her before adding another child. We are thinking we will say a child between the ages of 0-3 years and see what happens. Of coarse, we said that for the last adoption and we got matched with a 6 months old (imagine our surprise!!!).
Well, I think that is everything in a nut shell for now!
Sending positive thoughts to everyone involved in Vietnam adoptions.
At 10:53 PM,
Leslie & Shaune said…
about the dog... stick to your guns. the exact same thing happened to us. my in-laws dog big keaton on the face and left a small mark. i was livid b/c they lied to me and told me he fell (he was only 2 and just learning to talk)... he ended up telling us what happened and then they admitted the bite. we kept my son away for a while but felt bad. my in-laws promised to keep the dog locked in another room whenever we/he visited. i should of known they wouldn't stick to their word. about 1.5 yrs later the same dog bit my son again in the face, but worst. he has a scar, although very small. i will never get passed the guilt of not following my gut instinct. the dog was put down but i should of known not to allow my son near the house again as long as the dog was living there.
lesson learned. i'm really sorry it happened to Cami. Follow your instinct and protect your child.
At 1:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow what an update! Amazing! And stick to your guns about the dog! And Cami looks so BIG!!!
At 7:34 PM,
Cara said…
Thanks for the update! Cami is such a cutie pie!
At 11:27 PM,
Jess and Paul said…
Thank you for the update...we were afraid you left forever:)! Cami is getting sooo BIG (and is as cute as ever).
I think you did the right thing with your MIL...dog bites...not cool.
Please keep us up to date about baby #2...we are having the same thoughts and are curious as to what other AP's are up to during these crazy times.
At 6:45 PM,
Emily said…
cami weighs as much as little lulu!
oh, so i am SO with you on the dog thing. stick to your guns...she is YOUR child.
so good to have an update on your sweet girl.
At 7:40 PM,
Jenny said…
What a BIG GIRL!!! She is growing. Gorgeous little baby! Can you get over that our girls are getting soo big and growing!
And with the dog. We have a bad dog. We don't keep her except a few days here and there. It is agreed if she ever bites she can't be around again....Dogs are not something to fool around with ever. They can do damage for nothing. I totally agree with you! MIL can come to your house!
At 2:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow, Cami is as cute as ever! I love that little green polo dress. She looks so big in it!
I'm so sorry to hear about the dog and the house. :( I really hope you get some movement on that new abode.
Very exciting to hear about #2! Yay!
At 4:07 PM,
Fliss and Mike Adventures said…
Happen to stumble across your site... what a gorgeous little girl... good luck on #2... I am still waiting for #1 (from China) but that is ok... take care...
At 11:33 AM,
Jen said…
She is too cute in those little shades :)
I'm sorry about your dog. Good luck with baby #2!
At 11:29 PM,
Erica said…
Sorry about the bite, but I'm glad you are sticking to your guns. I was bit unprovoked when I was about 1 year old too. Fortunately I didn't have any scarring but my grandma immediately got rid of the dog (and continued getting other high strunk dogs, but at least she tried). You are the mom and your daughter's safety is your primary focus--not your MILs feelings or her dog!
At 12:06 PM,
Lee said…
i am so sorry to hear about shelby. it is such a hard thing to do...even when you know it is best.
great update! i love it. ; O)
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